Frustrating!! I can't get the colors or fonts right, and sometimes the links break. And you can't use the back button. The template won't let me. Still working on it. But it's free, so there's that.
I'm glad you're here. This is my space to keep track of things I've written or seen or made. I've added photos of quilts from years ago, and I'll upload some new things eventually. Also, I'm adding family recipes as fast as I can. A friend asked me how to find me here. I warned her that my stories, poems, and essays may not be what she expects. I don't look like I could write a set of stories in which people die, but sometimes, that's exactly where my imagination goes. Desperation and trauma is much more fun to write than sugary sweet simplicity. Maybe these aren't for my grandchildren until they are older. I add more now and then and revise a little too, so check back another time. This will always be a work in progress.
The stories are a little heavy, so I decided to start with something fun.
Stuff I've Made
Quilts I Made for Charity
Over the years, I've written things that aren't stories or poems, so I've put them here. Everything from backyard chickens to quilt shows. The opinions I expressed at the time are not necessarily the ones I hold now.
click on the link to go to the stories
Gracious. I've written I don't know how many stories based on the lives of my ancestors. Here are three collections about three different women in different generations of the same family. Katie, who marries at 14 and walks away into a difficult future; Azalee, who grows up in the holler, but makes it out to find a better way to live; and Mary Anne, who learns that heat isn't the only thing that will suck you dry. These are fiction. Just because you recognize a name doesn't mean the story is true. Making up names is hard to do. Also, timelines are hard. Just go with it.
Here are a few people who don't fit into the plots above, but who I think you'd like to meet.
A collection of related stories in a narrative line. These deeply dystopian, near future stories are about a society tipped over the edge concerning gender, population limits, birth, death, and governmental control. Check back for more. When I wrote these in the early 2010's, the ideas were a little radical; but today, they aren't so farfetched.
I know you don't like poetry, but try it anyway. I promise they don't rhyme. You might still not like it. That's okay.
I put these here because I figure if you've made it this far, you need a little something to eat. These are recipes I copied from Grandmother Curry's little stand of brown cards, recipes that I've dug out of the bottom drawer in Mother's kitchen, and a few that I've made up. I'd say most of the recipes were given to us by friends and a few copied from a cookbook or newspaper article. I even have Grandmother Curry's soup mixture recipe. Send me recipes from your family you want to share. There should be a contact form up in the 3 little lines in the left corner.